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Let it Be

This is an aside from the Happy Files. Ladies, I have a very important and sincere message to give to you. Let it Be.

"What the hell are you talking about, " you may be wondering. But I think you know.

"I just can't fit into my pre-preggo pants!" Let it Be.
" My boobs just don't look the way they used to before I had kids!" Let it Be.
" I have all these gray strands in my hair and I'm only 35!" Let it Be.
" I don't have the six-pack I used to have!" Let it Be.
" Maybe if I was younger I could do that!" Let it Be.
" I'm getting wrinkles before 30!" Let it Be.
" I can't run/walk/jog as fast as I used to" Let it Be.

"It" refers to the all of the ways we fight aging. All of the ways we tell ourselves we aren't good enough, or sexy enough, or strong enough, or YOUNG ENOUGH to continue to make a difference. Used goods, eh? Well let me tell you something. Life is change. Do you really want to be the person you were 10 years ago? Do you want to have the same personality traits, the same naive thoughts, the same negative self-talk, the same insecurities of 10 years ago? There is a certain magic to aging that we shy away from because it reminds us of the real reason for our fear: death. But life is meant to be lived, life is meant to endure, and with endurance comes change. Enduring a difficult exercise program brings about change in your body. Enduring a marathon or tough work day provides a boost of strength to your spirit. Ladies, our bodies are meant to change. Think about it! When we are young and vibrant, just going through the changes of puberty, our bodies are preparing for mating. Our bodies are shaped to attract the opposite sex to procreate. And with procreation come more physical changes, wear and tear if you may. Our hips widen, or breasts soften their perk, and our muscles don't contract as well as they used to with less training. And with a new age comes a new kind of beauty, a strengthening of maturity, a new degree of wisdom that no young hot body with long hair can compete with. I have often looked at women in their 40s and 50s and noticed a certain allure to them (i.e. Katherine Zeta-Jones, Kimora Lee Simmons, Vanessa Williams, Oprah!). These women are magnificent, inspiring , and gorgeous!  Have you ever seen a pic of your favorite celebrity when they were younger, and then another pic 20 years later? They actually look better, stronger, more attractive, more developed. One thing I look forward to with aging is seeing how my looks improve! I am excited to be able to teach my daughter about the beauty she will experience in each stage of her life.

Let it be. Let change happen as it should. Let our bodies age as they need. And let our minds and experiences with loved ones accumulate appreciation for the wonderful gift the time. Let it be.


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