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The Mothering Journals, Post 2

Oh, my Lord! Something just happened.

My kids and I baked something super special for Dad aka Shawn Ryan, because in all truthfulness I missed his birthday by being in Florida on business. I've been trying to think all week of how to do something special (and how to one-up his grandma's AMAZING chocolate-chip brownies she made for him).

Anywhoo, after our delicious project was in the oven, me and the kids retreated to the living room to bask in the amazing aromas. My son was gabbing on and on in the background about how dad was going to love our project, and emphatically started insisting how much we loved him. This is what happened:

"Mom, we love dad. We LOVE him!! We REALLY do!  God gave us love, not fear! He gave us the power to love, He gave us wisdom!

DEAR GOD(elevated voice), thank you so much for giving us LOVE. Lead us to the cross! Lead us to the cross!  God thank you for giving us WORSHIP! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!"

By this time me and Bean had joined in giving thanks and praise, led by little Kristian. From a religious standpoint, homeboy had just become filled with love and awe and the Spirit of God! He didn't speak in tongues, but there was a sudden energy, sudden outpouring of determination and insistence that came out of nowhere. He continued to pray and ask God for wisdom to love, and for the spirit of love to be given to us. Afterwards, he said "Whoo!" and we all "whoo"-ed. We had all caught some of what he had. He then said "That was AWESOME!" panting from his elevated heart rate, no doubt.

I tried to hard not to laugh at the mini-revival we had together in our living room, and right now I am trying so hard not to cry. For a child to embrace, remember,  and speak forth such power and under such authority is shocking and takes my breath away. I was thinking the whole time, "This boy is called to speak and to renew and revive the spirits of those around him! He will be a speaker and perhaps a preacher." After his sermon, Kristian asked to listen again to the song "Lead me to the Cross" by Hillsong. It was the song I had put on the day before in the morning while making breakfast, and worshipped to in front of them. I often quoted the Scripture when they tell me they're afraid that "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of peace, love, and a sound mind." (2Tim 1:7)

I know God and I both know what I'm thinking and questioning inside about who He is, where He is, and that I'm trying to really figure some things out about my belief and faith systems. But my son, he's firm in what he knows to be true. All the work I've done up until recently to instill Christian principles into him and his sister has obviously not been in vain, and I can't take all the credit. Other people have poured spiritually into my kids, and I am so grateful. They need to have hope, and for most of us today that hope is in the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

"Hey God, I don't know where my journey is going to lead, when I'll feel you wholeheartedly again. But I know one thing-I saw you today. A little boy named Kristian Padula spoke about you so convincingly, and he's for you."

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah.


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