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Showing posts from April, 2012

A Woman's Call to Arms

Dear Friends, Women are very interesting creatures. I think they are beautiful, mesmerizing, strong, captivating, remarkable creations. And then we open our mouths. Women are emotional and sensitive. Duh. If you are a woman reading this right now you're impatient that I'm even mentioning these obvious characteristics. Here are other observations I've noted about women that aren't so, well, nice: *Women are competitive (with men, for men, to be seen by men, to be seen with men by other women) *Women are territorial (we don't like to share) *Women are catty (we pick small items to nag about and may manage to throw things if you're "not listening) *Women are gossips (we say something to your face and talk about you behind your back, within the same 10 minutes sometimes) *Women are loyal (we will fight for a friend even if we AND they are wrong) *Women are jealous (of child-making abilities, of someone's position in life, of someone's body/h...

What I Now know for Sure

My dears, It's been a while since I've posted. I've taken a hiatus to surround myself with work, learning to fully love and care for my husband and kids, and to protect and nurture my third pregnancy. Life is so amazing. And I know there's a God because of what I've learned for sure. It is SO much easier to judge, pass blame, put your pain on others, and seek justice when you believe (perhaps rightfully) that others have hurt you . "Vengeance is mine," saith the Lord. This is a hard concept to accept and let lie. We feel vindicated, that if others have hurt us we finally have the right to expose them and let hell loose around them and leave them to lie in it. And maybe we do. But the Christian principle is to "turn the other cheek", one of the most ridiculous, hardest, and craziest-sounding things to do when you want to fight. The words that carry a sting to them, like "abuse", "mistreated", "unstable", etc....