Dear Friends, Women are very interesting creatures. I think they are beautiful, mesmerizing, strong, captivating, remarkable creations. And then we open our mouths. Women are emotional and sensitive. Duh. If you are a woman reading this right now you're impatient that I'm even mentioning these obvious characteristics. Here are other observations I've noted about women that aren't so, well, nice: *Women are competitive (with men, for men, to be seen by men, to be seen with men by other women) *Women are territorial (we don't like to share) *Women are catty (we pick small items to nag about and may manage to throw things if you're "not listening) *Women are gossips (we say something to your face and talk about you behind your back, within the same 10 minutes sometimes) *Women are loyal (we will fight for a friend even if we AND they are wrong) *Women are jealous (of child-making abilities, of someone's position in life, of someone's body/h...