Chapter 12 Complete a nagging task. If you've learned anything about me through previous chapters and journals, you may know this could be a never-ending goal for me.I ALWAYS stay packed to the brim with nagging tasks. Finishing my new Oprah magazine, or starting it for that matter. Taking out chicken to thaw for dinner later. Going to buy a "For Sale" sign for my car. Searching online for coupons or deal-breaker sales. Doing the laundry! I drive myself insane half the time by assigning myself ridiculous tasks with an unrealistic time limit in which to finish it...which leads to me doing nothing and being extremely unproductive. Well, my newest task is to create a 5-year goal plan. The catch is, I'm only allowed to assign myself TWO THINGS per year to accomplish. I want to jump off a bridge figuratively speaking as I type this. TWO THINGS?! How in the world am I to soothe my Type-A personality with only approaching two things at a time? My hope is that by setti...