Chapter 2 On Thursday March 17, 2011, I checked myself into the emergency room at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, MI. The diagnosis was depression resulting in the inability to repress such overwhelming emotions that made me fear hurting myself or others. At the time I was very ashamed, embarrassed, and afraid. I've always considered myself to be highly intelligent, socially graceful, talented, and possessing the skills and motivation to be successful. But the truth is I was driving myself literally towards mental instability by not confronting my past and floating on "life preservers" that provided a cover for happiness but never let me fully indulge in the essence of it. I was hanging on by a shredding thread of faith and hope, and a nasty argument with my husband snipped the middle. My emotions numbed, my body only moving because I forced it, I cried for help. I participated in a week-long partial hospitalization program, packed with 6 hours of daily group therapy, nu...