She exhaled a small sigh of sheer ecstasy at the ability to grab her laptop and sprawl out on the loveseat in front of the window to write. These small bits of time were precious to her, the times when her husband was working and the kids were at daycare. The moments of aloneness were welcomed and wished for often during the week, and when they finally came it was like a wish come true, almost too good to believe. She knew at any moment the phone would ring, it would be time to rush off to her evening's work, the oven timer would ring signalling that the food would soon start to burn if she continued to neglect it. Many a dinner had suffered at her hands, which were often busy tickling the keys of her laptop. Ah, moments just to sink into her thoughts and simply let them run wild across the screen. Sheer bliss. She thinks of the times before the kids and the marriage, when she was alone once again, wild, a bit selfish, but free. Able to do whatever she wanted whenever she wanted...